Vegetables for UTI: are they good for UTI?

This article will be dedicated to vegetables. Everything in one place will be covered as far as vegetables for UTI are concerned. Are vegetables good for UTI? Of course, it is. Vegetables have very good components that can help with UTI.

This article will show us which vegetables and how they should be consumed, for having the best effects for UTI. Stay with us until the end, this will be an interesting journey.

In general, vegetables are very good for UTI. they have many good properties and nutrients that can help UTI sufferers.

What are the components that are found in vegetables most commonly and are they good for UTI?

Vegetables that contain a lot of water and antioxidants are extremely good for UTIs. Water cleanses and flushes the urinary tract and helps expel UTI-causing bacteria.

On the other hand, antioxidants strengthen the immune system and make our body more resistant to urinary tract infections. UTI. Antioxidants reduce free radicals, harmful molecules that can cause diseases in our bodies. Adding antioxidants significantly improves our immune system.

Vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, especially green leafy vegetables are extremely good for UTI. This vegetable makes the urine more acidic, and thus reduces the number of bacteria that cause UTIs.

Through this article, we will see which vegetables should be consumed by UTI people. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and improves UTI. When our immune system is strong, the number of bacteria that cause UTI will not increase.

In fact, the immune system is responsible for cleansing the body from the remaining bacteria after the antibiotic regimen is finished.

Vegetables rich in fiber such as broccoli, carrots, etc. are also very favorable for UTI. Fiber is very suitable because it enables normal bowel emptying, of course together with water, and enables healthy digestion.

This regular bowel movement prevents the creation of pressure on the urinary tract and prevents the blockage of urine flow so that bacteria that cause UTI cannot multiply. This is very good for UTI.

Vegetables that contain probiotics are extremely good for UTIs. Such are spinach and kale. Natural probiotics are very good for strengthening the immune system, increase the number of good bacteria in our body and thus reduce pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, the main cause of UTI.

Vegetables that have antimicrobial properties such as garlic have been scientifically proven to prevent urinary tract infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. This is very good for UTI.

Potassium-rich vegetables are highly recommended for UTIs. Potassium is abundant in sweet potatoes, spinach. Potassium has benefits for UTI and it would be good to have vegetables like this on your menu. Potassium also prevents the formation of kidney stones, which are a major UTI risk factor, especially in men.

Vegetables have a low glycemic index, so blood sugar will not rise quickly after a meal. Because of this, the American Diabetes Association recommends at least 3 to 5 servings of starch-free vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, or cauliflower a day. Diabetes as we know it is one of the main factors leading to UTI. That is why vegetables are very good for UTI.

Vegetables are a rich source of folate, more precisely B vitamins, which help our body create new red blood cells. B vitamins strengthen the immune system and indirectly help with UTI.

What are the best vegetables for UTI patients and why are they good for them?

It is considered to be that the best vegetables for UTI are cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower), onions, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach. Green leafy vegetables are highly recommended for people with UTI, as well as cruciferous vegetables.

It has been scientifically proven that increased intake of dark and leafy vegetables strongly reduces the risk of progression of urinary tract infection by 37.2%. So it is highly recommended for people who have a UTI. See this reference.

Cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach) represent members of the cruciferous or cabbage vegetable family.

They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber (which are important for normal bowel emptying and prevention of pressure on the bladder) which are very important for our health, especially for the health of the urinary tract. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, calcium, which is crucial for kidney function, as well as certain B vitamins that strengthen immunity.

It is believed that we should eat several portions of these vegetables a week for the effects on our body to be satisfactory.

Cruciferous vegetables reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an overload of the body with harmful molecules called free radicals without oxygen, which are created by our body. With the reduction of free radicals then there is no disease, including UTI.

Cruciferous vegetables contain glycosides that contain sulfur in their composition. These substances are important because they remove free radicals and increase the immune system’s strength. See this reference.

In a scientific study, students had the task of eating 1-2 cups of cruciferous vegetables a day. After 3 weeks, the amount of oxidative stress in them, ie in their body, was measured. Oxidative stress was shown to have dropped by 22 percent by consuming this vegetable.

It is best to eat these vegetables raw or to boil them lightly on steam to retain the phytochemicals that make cruciferous vegetables special for our health.

All of this is very good information to be applied by patients suffering from UTI.

Kale contains the most vitamin A, broccoli the most vitamin C, and folic acid sprouts. Broccoli has the most vitamin E (about 9% of daily requirement) and vitamin B1 (15% of daily requirement).

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts also have the healthiest vegetable omega-3 fatty acids. A cup of broccoli is thought to give about 200 milligrams, and a cup of broccoli about 260 milligrams. Half of the fiber found in cruciferous vegetables is super healthy soluble fiber which is very beneficial for UTIs.

Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, compounds that give these dark green plants a bitter taste. Studies have shown that glucosinolates have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, thus protecting our bodies from diseases. This is very good for UTI.

Studies show that the plant nutrients of this vegetable have antimicrobial properties that strengthen the immune defense and against pathogens that cause various diseases, including UTI.

Leafy vegetables vs other types of vegetables

Leafy vegetables contain many plant nutrients. Leafy vegetables do not have many calories and are not fat, and they are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C, provitamin A carotenoids, folate, manganese, and vitamin K.

The content of vitamin K in leafy vegetables is especially high, which is good for patients who have kidney infections.

In general, leafy vegetables are very healthy. Some research has shown that a higher intake of green vegetables has reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is very important for UTI patients and those who tend to suffer from UTI because diabetes is one of the main causes of UTI. A higher intake of leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables, which also have great benefits on the urinary tract, could have a great effect on UTI.

For UTI, the best vegetable would be one that contains a large number of antioxidants, vitamin C, which can strengthen our immune system and make it easier to fight the bacteria that cause UTI. Also, vegetables contain a large amount of water to be able to wash away pathogenic bacteria that cause UTI.

Although neutral or slightly acidic or alkaline urine is a preferred environment for uropathogenic bacterial growth, keeping a near-neutral urine pH is more useful to prevent further urinary tract irritation by extreme urine acidity or alkalinity, which can happen in some urinary tract infection cases.

A high vegetable diet can ensure keeping your urine pH at slightly acidic or normal levels in addition to it improving your body’s immunity against infection like the UTI.

What are the best vegetables to prevent UTI, especially for women who have recurrent UTIs?

People who have recurrent UTIs, especially women who have recurrent UTIs, should consume vegetables that would increase the amount of urine excreted and flush the urinary tract.

Studies have shown that diuretics such as primrose and nettle increase the volume of urine in both healthy people and people with urinary tract infections, as well as in women who have recurrent UTIs.

Women with recurrent UTI should have in their menu nettle and primrose in larger quantities since it is good for both healthy people and people who have UTI, as well as recurrent UTI.

In addition, all vegetables rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, potassium, and other minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on UTI should be consumed more often by these people and used as a prevention for UTI.

What vegetables should UTI people avoid or consume less of if there is any?

Studies have shown that consuming some vegetables can worsen the symptoms of UTI. Such as tomatoes and tomato products and hot peppers.

It is believed that one component of hot pepper can cause worsening symptoms, and that could be capsaicin. From this, we could conclude that during UTI it is best to avoid hot peppers and hot pepper products, as well as tomatoes, or to eat them in smaller quantities.

It is believed that patients diagnosed with oxalate kidney stones should reduce, but not fully cut out, tomatoes intake because tomato seeds are thought to lead to the formation of kidney stones. Then too much tomato in diet could lead to the formation of kidney stones and that would of course worsen the symptoms in UTI patients.

Are cucumbers good for urinary tract infections and why?

Cucumber is a vegetable that contains a lot of water and very few calories. Studies show that cucumber has an antidiabetic effect, reduces lipids, and has an antioxidant effect.

Cucumber seeds are also thought to be used to prevent constipation. Cucumber contains a small number of vitamins K and A. It also contains magnesium, potassium, as well as fiber.

Cucumber fiber and seeds are important because they prevent constipation. This is important for UTI because during normal emptying there is no pressure on the bladder and retention of bacteria that worsen the UTI.

Vitamin A strengthens the immune system and thus strengthens the body in the fight against bacteria that cause UTI. 95 percent of cucumber is water which is important because it enables rinsing of the kidneys and bladder and removes all pathogenic bacteria that cause UTI.

Antioxidants from cucumber such as beta carotene help fight free radicals and protect the body from developing diseases.

The only problem with cucumbers is that they can contain a lot of pesticides, so it is better to take organic ones.

In general, cucumber is very good for UTI. Due to its high water and nutrient content, it can flush the bladder and expel UTI-causing bacteria.

Are there any situations where UTI patients or potential UTI patients should consume fewer vegetables and why?

Situations in which UTI patients should avoid vegetables are acute infections when they should reduce the intake of vegetables that contain large amounts of vitamin C until the infection passes, and then continue prevention with the use of this vitamin.

They should avoid hot peppers and their products because that can further worsen the symptoms of UTI and make treatment more difficult.

UTI patients who tend to form kidney stones should avoid vegetables that contain oxalates because they can potentiate the formation of kidney stones.

Beans, spinach, celery, and sweet potatoes have a high oxalate content. Broccoli, carrots, lettuce, fresh tomatoes, onions, and kale have a moderate oxalate content. Cauliflower, cabbage, and zucchini have a low oxalate content.

How much vegetables is enough for UTI patients and how much is enough to prevent UTI and why?

It is considered that it is best to consume 300-500 g of vegetables daily, especially dark and leafy vegetables as it is associated with reduced symptoms and prevention of UTI.

Moderate vegetable intake did not show effects on reducing UTI symptoms. And that means 100 to 150 g / 1000 kcal per day for total vegetables, of which 25 to 50 g / 1000 kcal per day for dark and leafy vegetables, 2.5 to 10 g / 1000 kcal per day for tomatoes. This was shown by the following study.

Should UTI people combine fruits and vegetables in their daily meals and why?

Fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy for our body and normal functioning. Especially some fruits and vegetables which are very good for UTI. Fruits and vegetables contain numerous fibers, vitamins, and minerals that can help in the treatment and prevention of UTIs.

This study showed that the intake of fruits and vegetables together had a great impact on reducing the symptoms of urinary tract infections.

Intake of total fruits and vegetables for groups that had over 350g / 1000kcal per day showed a significant reduction in urinary tract infections. In contrast, groups that had 250-350 / 1000kcal per day did not show any reduction in urinary tract infections.

The study also showed that increased intake of dark and leafy vegetables more than 50 g / 1000 kcal per day reduced the risk of progression of urinary tract infection by 37.2 percent compared to the group that had 25-50 g / 1000 kcal per day.

Adequate intake of fruits and vegetables, especially dark and leafy vegetables, is associated with improved symptoms of urinary tract infections in older men. It is considered to be more than 350gr / 1000kcal per day.

Fruits and vegetables contain high concentrations of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and are very important for many chronic infections.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables can delay the onset of the disease, prevent progression or reduce the severity of urinary tract infections.

Are vegetables good for kidney stones and why?

Vegetables are very good for kidney stones. Can be extremely helpful in reducing the risk of developing kidney stones. However, there are some exceptions. Some vegetables are better than others and you should know that when you eat vegetables.

Vegetables that contain a larger amount of oxalate such as beans, celery, leeks, green peppers, spinach are not good for kidney stones.

It is best to eat broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, kale, cabbage, and lettuce to prevent kidney stones. These vegetables do not contain oxalates and can be extremely helpful in reducing the risk of kidney stones.


Vegetables are very healthy for our body, so it is so good for UTI as well.

It is important to learn which vegetables are good for UTI, how much to eat daily and when we need to reduce our intake or stop altogether.

I sincerely hope that this article has been informative and that you can now read in one place everything about vegetables and UTI that you may not have known and of course help you in further prevention or therapy of UTI.

Thank you for your attention.

Ph. Abbas

A pharmacist who decided to write detailed articles about urinary tract infections (UTI).