About Us

You should know that: every article or blog post on this website is written, edited, and supervised by a medical doctor and/or a pharmacist. This I believe should make you trust the content on this website a little more. also, we keep track of the latest scientific advances especially those related to Urinary Tract Infections and update the information on this website accordingly based upon them.

On this website, we make sure that every single piece of information is provided to the reader by the people who are qualified to do so. for example, I have a medical doctor and a master pharmacist working beside me on different articles and blog posts on this site.


My name is Abbas, I am the owner, founder, and publisher of this website KNOW AND TREAT UTI.

I graduated from AL_yarmouk university college in Baghdad, Iraq, with a degree in pharmacy.

I work now in the emergency pharmacy of the AL – Imam Ali general hospital in Baghdad Iraq which is a government hospital.

I also worked in various community pharmacies in my city.

this is my pharmacy degree certificate.

I noticed as I got forward in my college education that many people have many misconceptions about drugs and about many medical conditions.

urinary tract infection or UTI is no exception.

so I took upon myself the responsibility to clear out those misconceptions and to educate people about the UTI as best as I could.

So on this website, you will find many articles that will talk about the various aspects of UTI.

this site will educate people about the different types of UTI.

also, it will teach you how to distinguish between the UTI and conditions similar to it.

it will also talk about the different causes of the UTI and the different organisms that cause the UTI as well as the best treatments for each cause or organism that has caused the UTI.

many useful home remedies have been discussed on this website as well as some helpful lifestyle changes that can improve the UTI condition.

keep in mind that all of the information on this website is scientific, and I have researched every single piece of information that I have put on this website.

UTI is a condition that includes under it many types of causes and management types.

for example, some types of UTIs (urinary tract infections) can be treated with antibiotic drugs like nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin,… etc.

other types of UTI require no more than using some home remedies and adhering to some lifestyle changes.

while most types of UTIs (urinary tract infections) require both the medical approach and the home remedies approach.

and here comes my role.

without bragging, pharmacists are the people who know the most about the drugs, and also we have good knowledge about the non-pharmacological ways of healing diseases.

so my articles involve both information about the drugs that are used to treat UTI,

and also, information about when it’s best to use other types of treatments and how to use them.

I do not claim here that I am Mr. “know it all” because nobody is


I can tell you one thing,

and that is that I have used all the knowledge that I have accumulated from all my years at college and work and contact with the patient in order to provide you with the most helpful information about UTI.

Of course because (as I have emphasized earlier) I am not “Mr. know it all”  

so, when there is some piece of information that is beyond my knowledge or something that am not sure of, then I will go and research that thing until I make sure that the information that I am presenting to you is 100% accurate. 

sometimes there could be no such thing as 100% accurate.

so in that time when you are reading one of my articles on this website, you will see me notifying you that this particular claim has what supports it and what does not.

I will also provide you with links to any research that I have drone conclusions from. 

so for example, if I tell you to eat foods that contain vitamin C when you have a UTI because vitamin C is good for the immune system and also provides you with the research that supports that claim if there is any, I also will tell you that there are some researches that put on little value toward eating foods or consuming supplements that contain vitamin C for the people who have UTI.

but, then I will tell you my reasoning about which opinion is better, or my conclusion about that particular matter based on scientific research and studies and my experiences then contact me or your doctor if you are still confused.  

our references:

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology. This is like the holy grail for pharmacists. This was actually one of the books that I didn’t feel obligated to read but rather had passion for.

The great BNF. This is a very important book especially when it comes to dealing with the clinical side of pharmacy.

The Medscape. whenever I want to revise my knowledge or check a certain piece of medical information, the Medscape is my go-to. It is simply accurate, scientific and gives you the latest updates.

in addition to other trusted medical websites for instance the NCBI website and etc.


this website is intended to educate people about UTI but it’s not a charity website so there will be some ads or some affiliate links to products that I found very useful for the people suffering from UTI.

if you have any means to help this website grow please feel free to contact me.

also if you have any tips for the website or for what should I write about in the future please do contact me.

so thank you and I hope you do enjoy reading through this website.

this is actually me at work in the hospital