Fruits for UTI (a complete guide)

Fruit is very healthy, full of various vitamins and minerals. If you want to eat healthily, be sure to include fruits on your daily menu.

Fruits rich in vitamin C, berries, as well as many others are extremely important for patients suffering from UTI.

By consuming fruit, patients who have UTI can greatly improve their symptoms, can prevent the onset of UTI, and feel extremely well during periods when they have no symptoms.

This article will be dedicated to fruit, which would be useful for patients with UTI in some way. Of course, we will also point out the type of fruit that you should not eat if you have a UTI. Stay tuned with us in this article, I’m sure you will learn many useful things.

Let’s see how and why fruit is good for UTI, and which fruit would irritate and worsen UTI.

What kind of fruits are good for UTI?

Fruits rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, then sour-tasting fruits, berries, and many other fruits can be extremely good for UTIs. They can improve UTI symptoms. They can make it a lot easier for patients who currently have a UTI.

It is extremely important to know which fruit has an antimicrobial effect, ie an effect against bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

For fruit to be good for UTI, it must primarily have an antimicrobial effect, especially against Escherichia coli, the bacterium that is the main cause of UTI infection, but of course against other bacteria that also cause and worsen UTI.

Fruit that has strong antioxidant properties is highly recommended for UTI. The reason for this is that antioxidants strengthen the immune system and protect the body from the accumulation of free radicals that are extremely harmful to our body because they destroy healthy cells, attack them and lead to diseases, in this case, UTI. See this reference.

Fruit that is rich in water, or that contains a large amount of water in its composition is also healthy for UTI patients. Water is extremely important for UTI because it flushes the urinary tract and expels bacteria that cause UTI, removes harmful substances while retaining electrolytes and nutrients, and enables the normal functioning of the urinary tract.

The caloric value of fruit is also one of the important factors for a good impact on UTI. Fruit that has a low caloric value has a beneficial effect on UTI.

The reason for this is that the low level of sugar in such fruit leads to less infection of the urinary tract. Fruits that are rich in sugar can undermine the immune system, although a lot less than sweets and sugary foods.

Fruit that contains a lot of potassium has a beneficial effect on UTI. Scientific research has shown that if we increase the intake of potassium, we can increase the amount of excreted urine and thus expel excess bacteria from the urine.

On the other hand, potassium affects preventing the formation of kidney stones and recurrent urinary tract infections and worsening UTIs.

Potassium is very important because it is necessary for glucose metabolism, so in this way, our potassium protects against diabetes, which is one of the risk factors for UTI.

Fruits rich in vitamin B6 are also recommended with UTI and you should have it on your menu. Vitamin B6 is important because it strengthens our immune system, protects our body from infections and various bacteria, and even from UTI.

Fruits that contain vitamin A can indirectly have a beneficial effect on UTI. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system, protects us from bacteria, and has an extremely beneficial effect on UTI.

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals and disease, including UTI. So fruits that contain this vitamin can be freely consumed and It will work favorably on UTI.

What fruits are good for UTI patients?

Let’s see now which fruits would be good for UTI. Here we will talk about a larger number of fruits, fruit juices, how and whether they have a beneficial effect on UTI, and how much we should consume per day of them to be good for UTI.

Are fruit juices good for UTI and why?

Yes, they are good, but only if they are consumed in moderation. Fruit juices can sometimes contain higher amounts of refined sugar which we know is not good for UTIs because they weaken the immune response, which can make UTIs worse.

On the other hand, there are some fruit juices such as pineapple juice that contain sugars that prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract, so it has a beneficial effect on UTI.

It is important to drink juices without the addition of refined sugar which means only squeezed fruit and in moderation during the day.

Pineapple and pineapple juice are extremely good for UTI. Pineapple contains a lot of water, vitamins, and minerals that have a beneficial effect on UTI.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which acts against inflammation and reduces UTI symptoms, which is why pineapple and pineapple juice are highly recommended for UTI patients.

Pineapple juice has a low pH and contains good sugars that wash away and prevent bacteria from sticking to the wall of the urinary tract. It is best to drink pineapple juice in the morning because then the enzyme bromelain has the best effect.

Use the juice in moderation because of the sugar it contains and it is always better to opt for whole fruit than for juice.

Is banana good for UTI? Ooo Yes. Banana is extremely good for UTI. Banana contains a large amount of potassium and vitamin B6, in addition, it also contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, magnesium.

Due to the large content of potassium, which has an extremely beneficial effect on UTI, banana is recommended for UTI patients. Vitamin B6 also strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on UTI.

I think that one banana a day is quite enough to have a beneficial effect on UTI, anything beyond that would be too much. See the article about banana’s role in UTI.

Watermelon is extremely favorable for UTI. It is rich in water, as much as 91 percent of it is water, which is very good for UTI. In addition, watermelon contains vitamin C and vitamin A, which are good for UTI.

It also contains lycopene to which some people may be allergic, so if you also have a UTI and are allergic to watermelon lycopene, you will worsen the UTI.

You have to be careful here. Generally, it is best to consume 3-4, possibly 5 pieces of watermelon a day. See the watermelon article.

Mango is also good for UTI. It contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on UTI. However, mango contains more natural or simple sugars, so you have to be careful when you consume it, and you have a UTI.

It is best to do it in moderation, so as not to worsen the UTI due to sugar. Although the sugar contained in mango is much better than refined sugar.

Mango contains a large amount of vitamin C, then vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E. Based on everything, mango is good for UTI, but to be consumed in moderation. We have an article about mango and UTI.

Cranberry and cranberry juice have a very beneficial effect on UTI. they are also highly recommended if you have UTI symptoms, and actually, it has been scientifically proven that cranberry is very good in the prevention of UTI.

Cranberry contains a large amount of water, organic acids, fructose, a large amount of vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, etc. All these ingredients have a very good effect on UTI, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate the symptoms of UTI.

It is best to consume cranberries just before breakfast or two hours later and drink plenty of water, especially when you have a meal that does not contain much liquid. Cranberry juice has always been a traditional drink for women who want to prevent urinary tract infections.

Cranberries and cranberry products can prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract, so bacteria are easily excreted in the urine.

All these are advantages for cranberry, which has a very beneficial effect on UTI. However, cranberries have been shown to interact with some medications such as warfarin, so if you are taking this type of medication and have a UTI, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming cranberries or cranberry juice.

I recommend AZO cranberry supplements from Amazon, so they are sugar-free, contain whole cranberry berries, and are suitable for both women and men at the same time.

Dried cranberries for UTI are also good. Scientific studies involving the use of dried cranberries in patients with UTI have shown a beneficial effect of consuming dried cranberries and reducing the number of urinary tract infections in patients with UTI problems

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice are known to have antimicrobial action and can serve as a natural substitute due to their ability against a wide range of viral and bacterial pathogens.

Numerous phytochemical compounds from pomegranate show antimicrobial action, but ellagic acid and larger hydrolyzable tannins show the greatest activity. Pomegranate has exceptional antioxidant properties and contains a lot of vitamin C.

Pomegranate works against many bacterial species, so it can be useful for UTI bacteria and infections. Pomegranate strengthens the immune system and thus has a beneficial effect on UTI.

One bowl of pomegranate or a glass of pomegranate juice a day is advised to prevent urinary tract infections.

Grapes and grape juice are rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and protect our bodies from free radicals and disease. This affects the UTI well.

On the other hand, grape juice contains a lot of sugar, natural fruit sugar, so it should be used in moderate amounts to avoid the accumulation of bacteria that cause UTI. But in general, grapes and grape juice have an extremely favorable effect on UTI.

Papaya is also effective in UTI. Papaya is rich in vitamin C, which increases the acidity of urine, slows down the growth of bacteria, and strengthens the immune function of the urinary tract. It is rich in beta carotene and lycopene, antioxidants that strengthen the immune system.

Papaya has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-stimulating effects. However, care should be taken when taking warfarin, consuming papaya, and having a UTI.

Papaya interacts with warfarin, in which case consult your doctor.

Apples, as one of the fruits that are too rich in phytochemicals, have been proven to work well with UTIs. In the laboratory, it was discovered that apples have a very strong antioxidant effect. It contains phenols, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals that are very strong antioxidants.

Antioxidants are extremely good for UTIs. An apple is said to be able to prevent diabetes, and we all know that diabetes is responsible for the development of UTIs.

Apples have a high content of acid, which helps the kidneys to keep the acidity in the urine, which can prevent further growth of bacteria. Apples have anti-inflammatory properties and can help the kidneys recover more easily after an infection.

Apples contain a large amount of vitamin C and fiber. They contain vitamin A, vitamin E, B1, B2, and B6. All of these vitamins are very good for UTI.

Apple juice contains a lot of water and has a very good taste which has a beneficial effect on UTI. Apple juice also contains polyphenols, compounds that are strong antioxidants.

Apple juice should be drunk in limited quantities because they have more sugar than the apple itself, they have little vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If apples are not organic, such juice is additionally contaminated with pesticides.

As for fresh apple juice, which is the best drunk immediately after squeezing, it is extremely rich in polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. This is good for UTI. See this reference.

Avocado is one of the popular fruits that can be said to be good for UTI. There is no direct evidence that it prevents UTI, but its good properties may indirectly have a beneficial effect on UTI.

Avocado is a good source of potassium, healthy fats, and trains, all of which have a beneficial effect on UTI.

Kiwi is a fruit that is extremely rich in vitamin C and fiber. Kiwi has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Kiwi is also said to be a strong antioxidant.

Kiwi is very good for constipation, which indirectly affects the UTI as it prevents the retention of bacteria in the intestines that could migrate and irritate the urinary tract.

All these properties make kiwi a food that is suitable for UTI. It is considered best to eat 3-4 kiwis a day.

Prunes have high sugar content, that comes in the form of fiber, which can help regulate the intestines and bladder.

Prune juice is made from prunes. Prunes are a good source of energy and do not lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Prunes are extremely rich in potassium, vitamins K, A, B6. All this indicates that prunes are good for UTI.

Prune juice has long been used for diabetes, constipation. Plum juice is rich in fiber, water, and numerous vitamins.

According to its properties, it is favorable for UTI, it should be drunk in moderation as it contains a high concentration of sugar.

Lemon is extremely rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps our body alkalize.

Lemon juice inhibits the growth of bacteria and acts as a diuretic as it helps expel toxins from the urinary tract. In this way, lemon and lemon juice prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections, ie. they are good at preventing UTIs.

It is best to squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it in the morning. This way you will get rid of the urinary tract infection.

Water with lemon

Consuming water with lemon can prevent UTI, as well as the formation of kidney stones. The citric acid in lemon can help prevent the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys.

Lime, like lemon, contains a large amount of vitamin C, it is rich in antioxidants, which has a beneficial effect on UTI. Lime prevents the formation of kidney stones, which has a beneficial effect on UTI.

Orange and orange juice is also rich in vitamin C and is therefore recommended for UTIs. Namely, orange juice helps inhibit urinary tract bacteria, especially Escherichia coli.

It is also considered that drinking orange juice should be part of the daily routine for maintaining the health of the urinary tract.

You just have to be careful and squeeze the orange juice yourself because the juices in the markets are rich in refined sugars that can only make UTIs worse. A few ounces of orange juice a day will be quiet enough and favorable for UTI.

Grapefruit is a source of vitamins C, A, calcium, fiber, potassium, pectin, and other nutrients. It is good for strengthening immunity, preventing the formation of kidney stones, and could have good effects on UTI.

Grapefruit juice should be drunk unsweetened so that the sugar does not worsen the UTI. Grapefruit can interact with many medications, so before including it in a UTI treatment supplement, consult your doctor if you are also taking any medications.

Raspberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, potassium. It is believed that one cup of raspberries gives 8 grams of fiber, which is a large amount. Fiber helps lower blood sugar, which has a beneficial effect on diabetes, and thus on UTI.

Raspberries also contain much less sugar than most other fruits, which is also another advantage of this fruit for UTI. They are also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which again has a good side for UTI.

What fruits should one avoid or eat less of when they have a UTI?

fruit is extremely healthy, it contains numerous vitamins and minerals. However, fruit also contains many acids that can irritate the bladder and worsen the symptoms of UTI.

Multiple research shows that during an attack of urinary tract infection, we should avoid lemons and oranges. lime, grapefruit, almost all citrus fruits as well as bananas. They can worsen an existing UTI.

However, as soon as the infection stops, it is necessary to consume fruit rich in vitamin C, because it will prevent further occurrence of UTI.

To summarize, if you have a current UTI, avoid citrus fruits or use them in smaller quantities and reduce vitamin C as a supplement because they irritate the bladder and increase its contraction during the infection itself.

As soon as the acute infection passes, continue freely with citrus fruits and vitamin C because they will prevent a new UTI.

Are fruits good for preventing UTI?

I guess you can already guess what the answer is. Yes, fruit is extremely important for the prevention of UTIs.

It is important to consume fruit for the prevention of UTI in periods when you do not have an infection. This will greatly help your urinary tract and prevent the appearance of a new infection.


  1. Fruit is extremely healthy and nutritious, it contains many vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and many other nutrients. Fruit is extremely good for UTI, both in prevention and as an additional therapy with antibiotics.
  2. It is important to know that fruit juices should be consumed in moderation because they contain more sugar, which can worsen UTI.
  3. During the infection itself, avoid citrus fruits because they irritate the bladder and increase its contractions.
  4. In any case, there are a large number of fruits that have a beneficial effect on UTI and you can enjoy different flavors, while also solving your problems with UTI.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for reading to the end. It is a bit longer, but everything about fruit that can help with UTI is written in one place.

Thank you for your attention.

Ph. Abbas

A pharmacist who decided to write detailed articles about urinary tract infections (UTI).